
Choose your machine...

Nukon allows you to choose the most suitable machine thanks to its solutions.

Speed, sensibility, reliability and low operating cost with linear system, nozzle cleaning, auto nozzle changing, loading/unloading system and more features.
With its robust body structure and flexible production dimensions, NF PRO series, which emphasizes productivity, can meet all requirements for cutting.
REX stands out with its compact structure and it also has the advantage of cutting pipe and profile.
With its small footprint and low operating costs, it is the most suitable machine series for businesses with limited budget.
Nukon also provides special solutions to its customers with customized sized machines.
2D Lasers - Nukon
Nukon; lazer, plazma, su jeti, CNC alevli kesim makineleri, değişik kapasiteli atölye vinçleri, yük kaldırma magnetleri gibi makine ve ekipmanlar geliştirir